Training for health professionals. Consulting in health services

In compliance with Law 34/2002, of Information Society Services and electronic commerce, we inform you that a cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when you access certain websites. Cookies allow a website, among other things, store and retrieve information about browsing habits of a user or your computer and, depending on the information they contain and the way you use your computer, can be used to recognize the user.

On our website: we use cookies, logs, links and other technologies to store user preferences in order to improve the quality of our services, ensure the technical operation of both the portal and the transactions made, measure the audience of the website and develop new and better features, products and services offered.

By their management:
– Cookies managed by the company; are those that act on the user’s device from a domain managed by the company that owns the domain.
– Third-party cookies; are those that are sent to the user’s device from a domain that is not managed by the company, but by another entity that treats the data obtained through cookies.

By the storage time:
– Session cookies, to collect and store data while the user accesses a website. It is usually used to store information requested by the user on a single occasion.
– Persistent cookies, the data remain stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the cookie manager, and its duration is from a few minutes to several years.

By the purpose of data processing:
– Technical or necessary cookies; they are those that allow to control the use of different applications or services to control traffic and data communication. Technical cookies, provided that they correspond to one of the following profiles, will be exempt from compliance with the obligations established in Article 22.2 of the LSSICE (i.e., obtaining consent for their installation and use by means of the existence of a warning banner, cookies policy):

“user login” cookies.
User authentication or identification cookies (session cookies only).
User security cookies
Media player session cookies
Load balancing session cookies
User interface customization cookies
Plug-in cookies for social content sharing* according to the EU Expert Working Group, in Article 29 of its Opinion 4/2012.

– Cookies analysis or measurement, are those that well treated by us or by third parties, allow us to quantify the number of users and thus perform the measurement and statistical analysis of the use made by users of the service offered. To do this, your browsing on our website is analyzed in order to improve the range of products or services we offer.

– Advertising or marketing cookies, are those that, well treated by us or by third parties, allow us to manage as effectively as possible the supply of advertising space on the website, adapting the content of the ad content to the content of the requested service or use made of our website. To do this we can analyze your browsing habits on the Internet and we can show you advertising related to your browsing profile.

– Preference or personalization cookies; they allow the user to access the service with some general characteristics predefined according to a series of criteria in the user’s device. If it is the user himself who chooses these characteristics (for example, if he selects the language of a website by clicking on the icon of the flag of the corresponding country), the cookies will be exempt from the obligations of article 22.2 of the LSSI because it is considered a service expressly requested by the user, and this provided that the cookies obey exclusively to the selected purpose.

– Cookies from external social networks; they are used so that visitors can interact with the content of different social platforms and are generated only for users of these social networks.

– Affiliate cookies; allow tracking of visits from other websites, with which the website establishes a link and activation of its functionality.

On this website we use our own cookies and those of collaborating companies to improve your user experience and show you advertising adapted to your browsing habits.
If you enter the portal, and consent to the use of cookies under the conditions set out in this Cookies Policy, they will remain active on your computer until you modify the last saved changes. This Policy may be updated, so we invite you to review it regularly.

Technical or necessary cookies:

moove_gdpr_popupthirdmfintegra.comCookies stored by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin to verify that the user has consented to the use of cookies
1 year

Analysis or measurement cookies

_gidThirdmfintegra.comRegisters a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data about how the visitor uses the website
24 hours
_gat_UA-57753371-1Thirdmfintegra.comThis is a pattern type cookie set by Google Analytics, which contains a unique identification number of the account or website with which it is related. The main purpose of this cookie is: Performance.
1 day

Advertising or Marketing Cookies

_gcl_auOwnmfintegra.comCookie used to experiment with the efficiency of advertisements on websites.3 meses

Cookies from external social networks, when using links to social networks from our website are generated when using some third party applications.

FacebookActivity tracking cookies on Facebook. It allows you to display the latest entries on the project and user wall and perform actions such as “like” or “share”. More information at:
LinkedlnActivity tracking cookies on LinkedIn. It allows you to display the la1test entries on the project and user wall and perform actions such as “link” or “share”. More information at:
InstagramTemporary and persistent cookies. Browser local storage. Tracking, advertising, location and sharing on social networks. More information:

Affiliate Cookies: Other cookies are active on our website that come from the following domains:
– Google advertising, marketing and analytics cookies: To learn more about Google Analytics cookies you can visit the following page: You can disable Google Analytics cookies through the following link: (delete if you do not use Google Analytics).
– Advertising cookies linked to the domain doubleclick:
– Woocommerce e-commerce cookies: These cookies are intended to allow shoppers to easily add things to their cart, store it for later when they decide to check out, and when they log in or log out of their account. To keep track of cart data. WooCommerce sets the following three cookies (no personal information is stored in these cookies): woocommerce cart hash, woocommerce items in cart and wp woocommerce session. The first two contain information about the cart. The third one contains a unique code for each customer, which corresponds to a custom table entry that is temporarily stored and appended to the user’s login. You can visit their privacy policy:

For more information about cookies and your rights as a user you can consult the Guide on the use of cookies developed by the Spanish Data Protection Agency with the collaboration of the associations ADIGITAL, Advertisers, AUTOCONTROL and IAB Spain:

MOURA Y FONSECA S.L. stores all the information collected through cookies in a non-personalized format (IP address). This type of information obtained through cookies will not be disclosed by us, except in those cases where prior consent of the user, the purpose of the use of the cookie requires it, or used for unsolicited communications.

We reserve the right to modify this Cookies Policy according to legislative requirements, therefore users are advised to periodically visit this section of our website.

If you have any doubts about this Cookies Policy, you can contact MOURA Y FONSECA S.L. by writing to the following email:info@mfintegra

You as a user can allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring the browser options installed on your computer. For your convenience, below you will find information provided by the developers of the main browsers on cookie management:


If you disable cookies, you may not be able to use the full functionality of the website.

All modern browsers offer the facility to change cookie settings. These settings are typically found in the “Options” or “Preferences” menu of your chosen browser. Below is a list of links that will provide assistance in changing cookie settings:
Internet Explorer:
Google Chrome:

Regarding third party cookies, i.e. those that are external to our website, we can not be responsible for the content and accuracy of the privacy policies they include so the information we offer is always with reference to the source.

Our company, as well as the website developed under the domain is not responsible for the content of the privacy policies of the third parties mentioned in the list of cookies, nor can we guarantee the correct functioning of the activation and deactivation tools used by the web browsers mentioned in the sections described above.

For any questions or queries you can contact us through the contact tab, we will be happy to assist you.

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