Training for health professionals. Consulting in health services

Conditions of Online Contracting and Returns

The purpose of these General Conditions is to regulate the relationship between MOURA Y FONSECA S.L. and you (hereinafter, the User/Customer), regarding all transactions carried out on this website owned by MOURA Y FONSECA S.L.

Moura y Fonseca S.L. is a Spanish company, with registered office and postal address at: Plaza de cervantes numero 11,Planta primera,Puerta A C.P.28801.Alcalá de Henares(Madrid).
Any incident, complaint or claim related to a purchase made through the web, will have to be communicated to the e-mail address: info@mfintegra

These General Conditions shall remain in force and shall be valid for as long as they are accessible through the Website, notwithstanding the fact that MOURA Y FONSECA S.L reserves the right to modify, without prior notice, both the General Conditions and, where appropriate, the Particular Conditions, as well as any of the legal texts that are displayed on the Website. In any case, access to the Web Site after its modification, inclusion and / or replacement, implies acceptance of them by the user.

The Client is subject to the General Conditions in force in each of the moments of making the corresponding contracting, not being possible the contracting of any course, without the previous acceptance of the present General Conditions and in its case the particular conditions that regulate the benefit of certain services. The temporary validity of the Conditions, coincides with the time of its exhibition, until the moment in which they are totally or partially modified. The new Conditions will be applicable from the moment they are available to the Client, and are thus fully accessible.

All course bookings purchased through the Web Site, after identification and authentication through the user name and password provided, will be considered validly made by the Client, and will be binding.
Consequently, the Customer shall be solely responsible for any purchases of courses through the Website by any third party who makes use of its username and password.

In case of contradiction between the terms and conditions stated in these General Conditions and the Special Conditions, the conditions agreed in the latter instrument shall always prevail with respect to those incompatible terms, and only with respect to those courses subject to such specific conditions.

MOURA Y FONSECA S.L. is an academic platform of online and face-to-face courses, related to different subjects and health issues, therefore its sale is restricted to persons of legal age, therefore if you start the purchase process it is because you have indicated that you are over the minimum legal age required (18 years old). The realization of orders from the Web Site by a minor who falsifies the registration information, will be understood to be made under the supervision and authorization of their parents, guardians or legal representatives.

By clicking on the button “I have read and accept the legal terms and conditions”, you become a USER of the service and therefore a client. This expresses the full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the general conditions.

The present general contracting conditions will become part of the contract at the moment of acceptance of the same, which will be verified by clicking on the corresponding button “I have read and accept the legal terms and conditions”. In the case of electronic contracting, both parties waive the conventional signature, which will be replaced by the written justification of the contracting carried out in the terms established in article 5 of Law 7/1998 of April 13 that regulates the General Contracting Conditions. The contract shall be effective, shall be fully effective and shall generate the obligation, on the part of the COMPANY to provide the CLIENT with the access service to the corresponding course, from the moment the payment is made, provided that the Course has started.

MOURA Y FONSECA S.L. will send to the Client, once the present Purchase Conditions have been expressly accepted, justification of the purchase, by e-mail within 48 hours of the purchase.

MOURA Y FONSECA S.L. informs you that it keeps the electronic documents in which the purchases are formalized, as proof of acceptance of your registration to the courses.
In case the Client makes a mistake when sending the data, he/she will be able to modify them by writing to .

The access and consultation of the training courses offered and published on the Web Site is free and free of charge, not being necessary the registration of the users.
Likewise, in order to begin the process of contracting, registering and enrolling in the training courses displayed on the Website, it is essential that users register as a user, following the instructions below.

In order to register as a user, it is essential to be over eighteen (18) years of age and to provide, through the form provided by MOURA Y FONSECA S.L. through the Website, all the data required and identified as mandatory. The registered user assumes that his/her user account is personal and non-transferable, and both individuals and legal entities may register on the Website.
Every registered user will have an access password, which will be in any case, personal, non-transferable, will be valid for a limited period of time and must meet minimum length and security requirements. The user may change or retrieve this password at any time, following the procedure provided on the Website. Under no circumstances will MOURA Y FONSECA S.L know said password, which will remain encrypted in MOURA Y FONSECA S.L’s systems.

By virtue of the foregoing, it is the user’s obligation to immediately notify MOURA Y FONSECA S.L of any event that allows the improper use of the identifiers and/or passwords, such as theft, loss, or unauthorized access to them, in order to proceed to their immediate cancellation. As long as such events are not communicated, the provider will be exempt from any liability that may arise from the improper use of identifiers or passwords by unauthorized third parties.

The legal relationship derived from the registration as a Client of the Website has an indefinite duration. Either party may terminate or suspend this contractual relationship unilaterally at any time and without any cause other than its will in this regard, without prejudice to the obligations arising from the formalization of orders prior to the termination of the relationship. The Customer may unilaterally exercise the right of termination through the account cancellation process.

In any case, once the low, the user may request a new registration, subject to the power of the provider not to admit such registration or in case of conflict or dispute between the parties, which is to be resolved or has ended with recognition of fault or negligence of the user and / or damage to the provider, its employees and partners or its users, customers or potential customers.

Likewise, MOURA Y FONSECA S.L. reserves the right to cancel the user name and password, and therefore the access to the Website, of those users who maintain debit or unpaid balances.

The service of access to courses offered through the online platform of MOURA Y FONSECA S.L. shall be accessible for the duration of the activity.

How to carry out the electronic contracting:
Once the user has selected the course(s) offered by MOURA Y FONSECA S.L, the user must follow the phases of the contracting process indicated below:
Phase 1. – Validation of the Shopping Cart: once the User has completed the selection of the course(s) he/she wishes to contract, he/she must validate his/her shopping cart, which will show the products and/or services selected, the number of units, the price of the same, the term.
Phase 2. – Provide Billing Data: the User, once the shopping cart is validated, must provide the billing information and check the corresponding box of these Terms and Conditions of Contract. If the acceptance box is not checked, the Website will not allow the User to proceed with the contracting process.
Phase 3.– Select the Payment Method: the User, once the data is provided, must select the payment method he/she wishes to use. Currently, MOURA Y FONSECA S.L. validates the debit card payment method.
Phase 4.– Payment of the total amount: the User will be automatically redirected by the system to the online payment platform (TPV) of the corresponding banks.
Phase 5.- Confirmation of the Purchase: MOURA Y FONSECA S.L. will send the Customer, within a maximum period of 48 hours from the moment of the effective payment of the purchase by the Customer, an email in which a summary will be provided, with all the characteristics of the sale purchase made. This e-mail will be considered “Proof of Purchase”.

Also, by accepting these general conditions of contracting, the customer agrees to receive the invoices derived from the contracting in electronic format. In any case, the customer may consult and/or download the invoice in the order area located in the “My account” area.

Notwithstanding the above, in the event that the customer wishes to receive the invoice in physical format (on paper), he/she must send an e-mail to the following address requesting the invoice in physical format, duly identifying him/herself and indicating the order number for which the invoice in physical format is requested.

Refusal of the use of the service:
MOURA Y FONSECA S.L reserves the right to deny the use of the service at any time and without prior notice to those users / customers who breach these General Conditions or The Law of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.

Modifications and cancellation of services:
The characteristics of the services may be modified with the purpose of adapting them to technical evolution, as well as any improvement that allows the incorporation of a greater number of features in the interest of improving the service.


All the products and/or services offered on this Web Site have the final price of the product associated with them, as well as, if applicable, the possible discounts that may be applicable to such purchase.
The prices shown on this Website are applicable exclusively to the Products offered through this Channel and during the time they remain published.
The prices of the Products are always shown in euros and do not include VAT, without prejudice to that could be established in the future taxes on this activity in which case it will act according to the tax and fiscal regulations that may come into force.

In the event that MOURA Y FONSECA S.L. notices a manifest error in the price of any of the Products published, it will immediately inform the Customer, as well as carry out the corresponding publication of the rectification of the same through the Website and in the usual means of communication, with the Customer having the option to reconfirm, through the “My Account” section, his order at the correct price or, failing that, cancel it.

MOURA Y FONSECA S.L. expressly reserves the right to modify prices at any time, without prior notice. However, in any case, the rates in force indicated on the Website at the time of placing the corresponding order shall apply.

In order to proceed with the payment, the Customer must follow each and every one of the instructions shown in phase 3 of the electronic contracting process described above.
All means of payment provided by MOURA Y FONSECA S.L. are subject to checks and authorizations by the issuing entities of the means of payment (card issuers and/or issuers of payment accounts), but if such entity does not authorize the payment, it will not be possible to continue with the purchase procedure initiated, the order being automatically cancelled, and the purchase and sale of the Product or Products requested being understood as not having been carried out.

The charge of the price of the Product(s), as well as any applicable taxes, if any, will only be made at the time of placing the order.

To carry out the electronic payment, MOURA Y FONSECA S.L has installed an e-commerce payment gateway provided by banks enabled for them. All data provided to MOURA Y FONSECA S.L for this purpose, are duly encrypted to ensure maximum security and confidentiality of the same, being hosted on a secure server certified according to the protocol “Secure Socket Layer” (SSL).

Under no circumstances will MOURA Y FONSECA S.L. store the card details provided by the Customers through the payment gateway, and they will only be kept while the purchase is being made, the payment is made and until the withdrawal period has elapsed, in order to be able to return the corresponding economic amounts.

In case of non-payment by the customer of any of the amounts due, we reserve the right to temporarily suspend the service. After 30 days from the suspension of the service without the customer having paid the amounts owed, MOURA Y FONSECA S.L. may suspend the service definitively, terminating the contract with the customer for reasons attributable to the latter and reserving the right to exercise all the pertinent legal actions.

Given that the service to be purchased is a training course that has been previously informed, of which the customer has been able to see the details of the same in terms of the agenda and general contents that provide information to the potential customer, it is understood that if it proceeds to its recruitment is of interest, so it is not contemplated that it may give rise to a refund or withdrawal if the customer has accessed the online platform.

The customer may freely withdraw from the contract within seven days from the perfection of the contract as long as the platform has not been accessed and the course has not been started.

The withdrawal shall also not apply in the case of promotional gifts.
The customer will have the possibility to cancel the purchase of the course made by e-mail to the address proceeding to the refund of the amount previously charged to the customer as long as the online session of the course has not been started.

Pursuant to the provisions of Regulation (EU) 524/2013 applicable throughout the European Union, MOURA Y FONSECA S.L makes available to users of the Website the following link: . Through this link, users of the Website will be able to access the European Platform for Online Dispute Resolution (ODR). In the event that the user has had a problem with a purchase or the provision of an online service, you can use this means to file any claim in connection with such purchase or provision of services, as well as opt for out-of-court settlement of the dispute.

Any consultation, suggestion, complaint or claim related to the online sale of our courses, can be made through our Customer Service through the e-mail

Customer agrees to use the services offered through this website in accordance with the law, and to refrain from using the service for illegal purposes or effects or prohibited in these conditions, harmful to the rights and interests of others or in any way damage, disable, overburden or impair the services, the computer equipment of other customers or other Internet users (hardware and software), as well as documents, files and all kinds of content stored on their computer equipment (hacking) or impede the normal use or enjoyment of such services, computer equipment and documents, files and content by other customers and other Internet users.

The customer is authorized to the normal, non-exclusive and good faith use of the contents without in any case may extract or reuse all or part of the content of these without the express consent of its author. In any case, it will not be allowed, on the occasion of access to these courses, to infringe the rights of authorship in accordance with the legislation in force.

In the event that any clause herein is declared null and void, the remaining clauses shall remain in force and shall be interpreted taking into account the will of the parties and the purpose of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale.

MOURA Y FONSECA S.L, reserves the right not to exercise any of the rights and faculties conferred in these conditions of sale. This power shall not imply in any case the waiver of the same unless expressly recognized by WAPS, or prescription of the action that in each case corresponds.

In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (hereinafter, LOPDGDD) and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the Protection of Personal Data (RGPD), we inform you of the following regarding the processing of your data:

Basic information on data protection

Responsible for the treatment
Purposes of treatmentOrganization of the teaching and study to carry out online and face-to-face training courses. Collection and processing of information for the management of the contract signed or services requested. Management of applications for professional internships and, where appropriate, the selection process in which they may be included, for the provision of jobs through the management of the employment exchanges that Moura y Fonseca S.L. sets up. Management of participation in events organized by Moura y Fonseca S.L. as well as queries through web forms. Commercial information about our products, with the prior consent of the user. Security and control of image capture and voice and audio recordings.
Legitimacy of the treatmentExpress consent of the data subject or his legal representative. The execution of the academic training service provided by the person in charge. The execution of a contract to which the data subject is a party or for the application at the request of the data subject of pre-contractual measures. Management of queries through web forms. In the processing of access control or video surveillance and image capture, the legal basis will be the legitimate interest pursued by MOURA Y FONSECA S.L. Fulfillment of legal obligations
Data retentionThe data will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes collected, as well as for compliance with legal obligations, and when it is no longer necessary for that purpose, it will be deleted with appropriate security measures to ensure the pseudonymization of the data or the total destruction of the data.
AdresseesYour data will be communicated to third parties when there is a legal obligation. In any case of any kind of transfer of your personal data, you will be asked for your express, informed and unequivocal consent beforehand.
Rights of interested partiesAccess, rectify and delete data, as well as other rights, as explained in additional information
Additional informationYou can consult additional and detailed information on Data Protection at or write to us at

In case of conflicts in the interpretation or application of these contractual conditions, in the case of final consumers, in accordance with the applicable regulations, the Courts of the place of fulfillment of the obligation or those of the domicile of the purchasing party shall have jurisdiction.

In the case of a sale and purchase made by a company, both parties submit, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid (Spain).

Regarding intellectual property regulations.
Our Intellectual Property Law is very restrictive when it comes to allowing the use of other people’s works protected by intellectual property. Therefore, the use without permission of the author of videos and audiovisual recordings (including their uploading to the virtual classroom) requires the pertinent license or express authorization of the owners of the intellectual property.
The intellectual property of our audiovisual materials.

The intellectual property of the video-classes to which you will have access as a student and/or user and of the audiovisual materials that will be provided to you have MOURA Y FONSECA S.L. as the exclusive owner of the intellectual property, in its capacity as author. Their reproduction, distribution and public communication or any other form of exploitation or diffusion is forbidden without authorization from MOURA Y FONSECA S.L. The use of the audiovisual material is restricted to the access of students and/or users through their username and password, and from the online platform of MOURA Y FONSECA S.L. Its use by third parties and its dissemination through social networks not authorized by MOURA Y FONSECA S.L. is prohibited.

For this purpose, the mere visualization of the contents and/or elements inserted in the website or in the pages, links or platforms linked or connected to the domain of MOURA Y FONSECA S.L. is authorized exclusively for personal, private and non-profit use by the user, provided that in any case the origin and/or author of the same is indicated and that, where appropriate, the copyright symbol and/or industrial property notes of their owners appear. In no case does access to our website imply any kind of permission, waiver, transfer, license or total or partial transfer of such rights by their owners, unless otherwise expressly stated. MOURA Y FONSECA S.L. does not grant users any other right of use, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of the Website and/or its contents other than those expressly provided herein. Any other use or exploitation of any other rights shall be subject to the prior and express authorization specifically granted for such purpose by MOURA Y FONSECA S.L. In the same way that our ownership of the audiovisual material we produce for educational purposes is protected, the use of audiovisual elements that MOURA Y FONSECA S.L has produced for commercial or related purposes, their total or partial reproduction, communication and/or distribution by students and/or users, as well as unauthorized third parties, as well as their modification, alteration, decompilation and/or any other act of exploitation, is also strictly prohibited. For any use other than those expressly permitted, it will be necessary to obtain the prior written consent of the owner of the rights in question.

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